What do critics think of Asian movies

Inspired by a BBC vote on greatest movies in 20th Century all over the world, there is a map focusing on Asian movies, where directors and movies been selected by critics from 36 countries: 81 from the US, 19 from the UK, five each from Canada, Cuba, France, and Germany, and four each from Australia, Colombia, India, Israel and Italy. Lebanon, the UAE, China, Bangladesh, Chile, Namibia, Kazakhstan and so on.

There are 11 out of 65 Asian countries been mentioned, 58 out of 408 directors are born in Asian countries, their 102 out of 592 movies been marked as greatest movies, although those movies might filmed in another countries.

The majority critics are from Western countries. So how about them think of Asian movies? Is there any difference between Western taste or Asian taste?

From IMDb we can see all the scores that audiences gave, also from a reliable Chinese website Douban, we could compare them with Chinese taste. It turns out they are similar to each other. Movie which got most votes in Asian countries is "In the mood for love", got 8.1 on IMDb website, and 8.5 on Douban website.

Click on different Asian countries to get more movies' votes and score information.

Data source: BBC article, IMDb, douban movie.