Finding Home

The past 50 years of refugees crisis

Nearly 60 million people are displaced around the world because of conflict and persecution, the largest number ever recorded by the United Nations. 65.6 million forcibly displaced worldwide. According to United Nations, 20 people are newly displaced every minute of the day.

How many destinations can refugees go?

According to our statistics on the path of escape, as time goes by, the path of escape for refugees around the world is increasing. In 1975, there were a total of 74 escape routes worldwide, and the largest number of refugees fled from the East African country of Burundi to neighboring Tanzania. However, in 2017, there were 7097.

The trend for continents over the years

From the data of the past 10 years, due to the outbreak of the "Arab Spring", the number of refugees worldwide has started to increase again. In 2016, the number of refugees reached a new peak, with a total of 17.19 million refugees in a state of displacement.

Note: The Arab Spring was a series of pro-democracy uprisings that enveloped several largely Muslim countries, including Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Bahrain. The events in these nations generally began in the spring of 2011, which led to the name.

The trend for six continents, we can see that Asia and Africa have dramatic refugees numbers over the years.

During 1990 that period, the Iran-Iraq war caused a huge increase on refugees

During this period in Africa, the most refugees from Africa were from Luwangda, Liberia and Somalia.

In 2015, Syria War caused a lot of homeless people in Syria. Syria was the top one country with most refugees in 2015.

In 2015, a photo of the 3-year-old Syrian refugee "Alan" face down on the beach were flooded on the internet, and the refugee problem began to evolve into a "refugee crisis."

Refugee exporting countries still focus on Asia and Africa

Frequent wars in Africa and Asia have led to a rapid expansion of the refugee population. The outbreak of the Middle East War, the Iran-Iraq War, the Gulf War, and the Iraq War has caused countless people to be displaced.

1,000,000 refugees 10,000,000 refugees
Click on bubble get more information.

Each bubble represents a country, the radius represents the number of refugees in total from 1975 to 2017.

Over past 42 years, Afghanistan and Iraq have most refugees, about 35% of in total.

From 2010 to 2012, over ten countries got into Arab Spring, causing more people loosing their homes in Asia and Africa countries.

Each cluster bubble represent a continent. You could see how refugees over the past years shaped our world.

Here, you could see top ten countries with most refugees over past 42 years. Asia has the most numbers, while Africa has more refugee original countries

Developed world are hosting more refugees

The United States and France, some of the top hosts of refugees in the developed world, have the greatest variety of refugees and asylum-seekers by country of origin. While in China, the hosted refugee numbers were stable, but increased slightly over the years.

After 1988, the North American continent already began accepting refugees from Europe and Africa.

China hosted refugees from 1979.

The Flight of Refugees for finding a home

If we see the travel map for from 1975 to 2017, we can find the trend of movement clearly. It is difficult to see the migration of refugees across continents, and the route of escape is often located between neighboring countries or regions. By 1988, the North American continent began accepting refugees from Europe and Africa. After 2015, European and American countries have increasingly become the preferred destinations for refugees in Africa or Asia.

In 1975, there were not much cross-country movement. Mostly, the route of escape was often located between neighboring countries or region.

This is showing in 1995, various destinations open to refugees.

After 2015, more refugees sought home from different continents.

This map showing refugees came to the U.S. in 2017. In terms of hosting displaced people, developed countries pale in comparison with nations bordering conflict zones. There were 282,104 refugees from 154 original countries came to America in 2017.